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How to Clean a Sex Doll

How to Clean a Sex Doll – Maintenance Guide

Posted on April 09 2017

If you purchase a quality sex doll, you should be able to enjoy her for years to come. The key is to stay on top of routine maintenance, and to pay close attention to cleanliness. Do these things with care, and you will have an amazing time. Below, we have some best practices for doing just that.

Why You Should Clean Your Sex Doll?

Even if you wear a condom during sex, there is likely to be a small amount of transmission of fluids. Even sweat from touching or saliva from kissing can be problematic. The last thing you want is for your amazing sex doll to become a silicone petri dish. 

If you finish inside your doll, you will have even more reason to clean. If this feels unsanitary or invasive, please consider the advice above, and wear a condom. This will result in less mess, and make cleaning a bit easier.

Regular clean and keep dangerous bacteria at bay. It also quells any friction related damage that can result from your doll’s skin being less than clean.

How Often Should I Clean my Sex Doll

You should clean your doll without fail after each use. If you keep your doll in storage for long periods of time, bring it out once a month or so for an inspection and wipe down. You will be able to note and mitigate any moisture issues or other problems.

What Products do I Need to Clean my Sex Doll

There are two important considerations here. First, you have to consider bacteria and cleanliness. Next, remember that your doll will come into contact with the most intimate parts of your body. Chances are, you don’t want to involve harsh chemicals. These can also cause damage to your dolls delicate skin.

Fortunately, there are great products that are made just for cleaning sex dolls, and other toys. These will be body safe, and won’t damage your sex doll.

Anyone who owns a sex doll should get an antibacterial spray cleaner that is intended for sex toys. A sex toy spray with aloe is fine for silicone, TPE and other materials commonly used in sex-dolls and other toys. You can also try a foaming cleaner for more intense scrubbing and sudsing. Don’t forget a douche to clean out internal parts after use. Finally, consider a refresh powder for any realskin type products. This can prevent drying and cracking. 

Here are a few other items you should keep on hand. Some of them may be around your house:

  • Soft clothes that are lint free.
  • A bottle brush.
  • Mild shampoo.
  • Oil free makeup remover.

Step-by-Step Guide For Cleaning The Sex Doll


You’ll need a work surface that allows you to get your doll wet. If you have access to a shower, that’s even better. Grab some towels, and the cleaning supplies mentioned above.

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